WECA Food Systems
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association is committed to advancing food systems support to enhance the health, nutrition, and food-related activities of young children and families through tools for early care and education programs. The initiatives are designed to connect young children in early care and education settings with fresh, locally sourced foods and aim to foster healthy eating habits, support local agriculture, and enhance educational opportunities for children, families, and caregivers.
The WECA Food Program is a federally funded voluntary program that helps pay for the cost of serving healthy meals and snacks to participants in qualifying child care facilities. WECA is one of six sponsors of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in Wisconsin and is eligible to serve family child care programs from all 72 counties and all Tribal nations. Center-based programs have access to resources through the Department of Public Instruction. Joining the WECA Food Program highlights a commitment to high-quality care, professionalism, and the healthy nutrition of young children while providing an important economic benefit to providers.
WECA’s Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) promotes the consumption of fresh, nutrient-dense foods among young children to encourage lifelong healthy eating habits and integrates food-related activities into curriculum to provide hands-on learning experiences about growing, preparing, and eating nutritious food. It also supports local farmers and producers by creating a consistent demand for their products, thereby strengthening the local economy.