Training for Child Care Businesses: Start Strong, Stay Strong
Build It Strong: Child Care Business Fundamentals is an 18-hour training course series that provides the fundamental skills and strategies to open and maintain a sustainable child care business in a family program or group center.
Build It Strong is offered by trainers who have been there. The trainers have years of experience managing family programs and group centers, so they know the challenges you face and why you love doing this work. The goal is to make your business more efficient and profitable: start thriving, not just surviving.
Boost Your Business Skills
Whether you are starting a new child care or have been running one for a while, Build It Strong: Child Care Business Foundations Training is focused on providing the essential skills and proven strategies to make your program sustainable.
What Is Covered: Each interactive session explores key elements of successful child care business management topics.
- The Iron Triangle of Child Care Finance
- Business Operations Part One
- Business Operations Part Two
- Engaging Outside Services
- Accounting and Recordkeeping
- Identifying and Prioritizing Funding
- Setting-Specific Considerations for Group and Family Child Care Programs
- Professionalism in Early Childhood
- Certification, Pre-Licensing, and Licensing
For more information, please read the detailed flyer here.
Recent participants reported a nearly 100% increase in overall knowledge of best practices, including:
- using an accurate budget
- understanding common licensing violations
- attracting and retaining staff
- using legally binding contracts and enforceable family policies
- accessing other funding sources beyond tuition, and more!

Why It Matters
From an economic development perspective, bringing Build It Strong to your community is good for business. High-quality early care and education is essential for the development of young children and makes it possible for parents to work and contribute to healthy communities. Improving the sustainability of child care programs supports the workforce that keeps the rest of the economy moving forward.
Municipalities: Build It Strong was developed by WECA’s Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) co-directors, edited by Opportunities Exchange, a national organization focused on transforming the business of early care and education, and refined by feedback from current child care program owners to ensure optimal support to navigate the unique challenges of this sector. To learn more about how to offer Build It Strong in your community, please contact WEESSN Co-Director Kelly Matthews at
The series earns Wisconsin Registry credit.
If you have questions about Build It Strong, please contact us at
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