The Center will provide a home for impactful early childhood research that will shape effective policy and drive engagement and advocacy efforts that support early care and education in Wisconsin – and beyond.
Launch Event: WECA Center for Policy, Research and Engagement
The Center focuses on:
- Analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating research findings that support evidence-based policymaking and practice in the ECE field
- Summarizing and offering positions on policies that benefit the ECE workforce, enhance quality programming and increase affordable, accessible, and diverse care options for families
- Prioritizing WECA’s relationships within the ECE field to ensure policy priorities positively impact providers, children, families, and communities across the state
- Increasing knowledge of the current status of early care and education in Wisconsin and offers opportunities for active engagement from providers, parents, employers, and community leaders
- Elevating and advancing the unique needs and experiences of family child care providers, especially given the dramatic decline in family care in the last decade

Policy Briefs
The Center issues policy briefs on new and longstanding ECE topics, issues, and trends to provide insight, context, and a basis for advocacy action at the local, regional, state, and national levels. Check out the latest research today.
Data and Information Snapshots
Want to get a local, regional, or state view of child care trends? Reach out to our team to request snapshots on child care supply and affordability. You can view past samples any time on our Research & Data page.
Partnerships and Collaboration
WECA has long been a trusted leader in early childhood policy, research, and engagement. WECA and the Center are frequently requested to provide presentations on the local, regional, state, and national levels on early childhood trends, advocacy opportunities, policy updates, and other timely topics.
Events and Forums
The Center’s Engagement Team hosts a variety of events, forums, and trainings for early educators, parents, employers, partners, and advocates. This fosters local and regional on-the-ground connections to ensure policy, research, and recommendations are responsive to emerging needs and lead to meaningful action.
Connect with Us
Our dedicated and passionate Policy, Research, and Engagement Team is eager to make new connections across Wisconsin. Email pdrew@wisconsinearlychildhood.org or call 608-729-1031 to get resources or start a conversation today.