Cost & Calculator Tools

Continuing your education requires an investment: of time, energy and, of course, money. The TEACH model is true partnership: the TEACH program, your employer*, and you share in the costs of your education.

Need to make a payment? Use our online portal.

TEACH provides:

  • a major share of tuition and book expenses
  • a student access stipend
  • a bonus to you when your contract is completed
  • reimbursement to your employer for release time so that you may attend class or complete coursework
  • counseling and administrative support


Your employer provides:

  • a portion of the cost of tuition
  • 15 hours of paid release time each semester
  • a bonus or raise to you when contract is completed (in most cases)


As the scholarship recipient, you provide:

  • a portion of the cost of tuition expenses
  • a commitment to attend classes and successfully complete coursework
  • a commitment to remain with your employer or in a regulated child care program as specified in your contract

Want to estimate the costs of your education as a TEACH scholar?

Use this calculator to get started. Have additional questions? Contact us.

Select Your Program Information:

Estimated Total Costs

Average Credits per Contract
Semesters per Contract
Tuition Cost per Credit1
Estimated Tuition Total Cost2
Books Cost per Contract
Credential Fee
Recipient’s Bonus Compensation
Approximate Total Cost for Contract ( year)

Recipient Scholarship Breakdown

Recipient Tuition Contribution (% of Tuition)
Recipient Book Cost (% of Book Cost)
Credential Fee Cost (% of Credential Fee)
Travel Expense Benefit ( per semester)
Recipient Estimated Cost, After Benefits Applied

Recipient Compensation at Conclusion of Contract

T.E.A.C.H. Bonus

Program Breakdown

Program Bonus3
Program Contribution (% of Tuition)
Program Estimated Cost

T.E.A.C.H. Costs

Recipient Book Benefit (% of Book Cost)
Credential Fee Benefit (% of Certification Cost)
Travel Expense Benefit ( per semester)
T.E.A.C.H. Bonus
T.E.A.C.H. Tuition Contribution (% of Tuition)
T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Pays:


Approximate Total Cost for Contract
Recipient Estimated Cost
Program Estimated Cost
T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Pays:
  1. The cost per credit for private schools represents the cap of what the TEACH program will pay and not the actual cost per credit, which may be higher.  Please check with the school to find out the actual cost per credit.
  2. The cost of the Credential Fee is $300. TEACH will cover 100% of fee if you complete credential course work and commission as part of your TEACH scholarship.
  3. In most scholarship models, programs provide a raise or bonus. Please refer to Details on Cost-Sharing under Scholarship Types.