Credential Scholarship
A scholarship that assists in obtaining professional credentials awarded by Wisconsin Registry:
- Administrator Credential: an 18-credit specialization helpful to both new and veteran directors and administrators, family child care providers and school-age group leaders and care administrators.
- After School and Youth Development Credential: a 12-credit specialization for teachers working in out-of-school-time programs with children between the ages of five through twelve.
- Family Child Care Credential: a 12-credit specialization designed specifically for family child care providers or individuals seeking to become family child care providers. This credential can also serve as a pathway to an associate’s degree.
- Infant Toddler Credential: a 12-credit specialization that provides an excellent introduction to the care and education of infants and toddlers.
- Preschool Credential: an 18-credit specialization comprised of 6 courses. This credential can be an entry point for achieving an Associates degree.
If you have completed one of the credentials listed above, or are at Registry Level 9, or have completed a minimum of 12 early childhood education credits at the Associate or Bachelor’s Degree level, you may apply for one of the following credentials:
- Diversity Credential: This 12-credits credential offers the opportunity to learn skills and strategies to work with children and families from diverse cultural backgrounds, building on their assets and cultures, and culturally appropriate guidance and curriculum.
- Inclusion Credential: a 12-credit specialization designed to build the skills, knowledge, resources and attitudes to successfully work with all children, including those with special needs.
- Leadership Credential: a 12-credit specialization for growing leaders, building leadership capacity, and encouraging networking, collaboration and engagement among those working to make a lasting difference for children, families, and the early childhood profession.
- Nature Based Credential – a 12-credit specialization for early childhood educators to increase their understanding of nature- based education and the benefits of a nature-based curriculum for all children.
- Program Development Credential: a 12-credit specialization for individuals responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating an early care and education program, a role that may cover both management and leadership functions of an administrator, director, or teacher.
- Supporting Dual Language Learners is a 12-credit specialization designed to help early childhood educators better understand the unique traits and needs of young children whose primary language is one other than English. This credential is in response to a continuing shift in U.S. demographics towards a growing number of dual language learners.
The 3 to 8 Credits Scholarship
A flexible scholarship designed for providers who may take a variety of courses (between 3 and 8 credits over 3 semesters) through Wisconsin colleges. Can be used up to two times.
Reasons for choosing this scholarship might be to:
- meet entry-level licensing requirements
- meet YoungStar educational requirements
- satisfy training required for a Child Development Associate Credential or the Wisconsin School Age Credential
- test one’s comfort with going back to school
- strengthen a particular skill area
- complete coursework needed to finish a degree
- complete coursework required to receive “credits for prior learning”
- achieve the Registry level needed to be eligible for the REWARD Wisconsin Stipend Program and/or
- renew DPI teacher licensure
Associate’s Degree Scholarship and Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship
Recipients agree to complete between 9-18 credits toward the Early Childhood Education Associate Degree in a one-year (3-semester) time period. The scholarships include core early childhood education courses and general education courses required for degree completion. Scholarships may be renewed annually contingent on funding and the recipient continuing to meet eligibility requirements.
TEACH supports Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Education. Recipients agree to complete between 9-18 credits in a one year (3 semester) time period. If the school you are interested in does not offer an Early Childhood Education degree, please contact TEACH to discuss what options may be available. To be eligible for a bachelor’s degree scholarship, you must have previously completed an Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or be at Registry level 12 or above. Scholarships may be renewed annually contingent on funding and the recipient continuing to meet eligibility requirements.
Master’s Degree Scholarship
TEACH supports the 7 Early Childhood Education focused Master’s Degree programs listed below. Scholarship recipients agree to complete 9-18 in a 3 semester time frame. Tuition will be supported at the undergraduate level for public universities and capped at $335/credit at private colleges. Students will be responsible for any tuition above and beyond remaining due to the college. Applicants must have previously completed a Bachelor’s degree to be eligible for the Master’s scholarship.
- Alverno College – MA in Education with Birth – 3rd grade licensure
- Carroll University – MEd in Teaching and Learning with Instructional Coaching and Teacher Leadership
- Concordia University – MS in Education Teaching & Learning: EC and ELEM Initial Licensure
- UW-Madison – MS in Curriculum and Instruction with research focus
- UW-Milwaukee – MS in Curriculum and Instruction Early Childhood Education
- UW-Stevens Point – MS in Education with an Early Childhood Special Education add on certificate
- UW-Whitewater – MS in Education in Early Childhood Education Policy
Apprenticeship Scholarship
The Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship program is a 2-year training program offered through the Department of Workforce Development and the Wisconsin Technical College system. Apprentices who meet TEACH eligibility requirements may apply for the Apprenticeship Scholarship. This scholarship is a one year contract, and may be renewed as funding and center sponsorship allows, in order for the apprentice to complete the required 27 credit curriculum. Scholarship applicants must be accepted into the Apprenticeship program and submit their letter of admission into the Apprenticeship program along with the TEACH scholarship application. More information on the Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship program may be found here.