Unequitable rollout disenfranchises an essential workforce 

Madison— 2/19/2021 — The Wisconsin Early Childhood Association strongly opposes the prioritization of one group of educators over another in County vaccine rollout.

Prioritizing K-12 teachers over child care is unethical. 

Child Care workers who have continued to operate, in-person throughout the pandemic were thrilled to hear that they would be prioritized in Tier 1B for vaccinations. Now, as that time is nearly here, they are being asked to go to the back of the line. In various counties around the state, child care workers have been asked to prioritize amongst themselves who should get the vaccine or have blatantly been told that whole districts will get vaccinated at once while they will have to put their name in a lottery.

“We want ALL teachers to get vaccinated as quickly as possible, but we want it done equitably and fully inclusive of child care workers as well.” – Ruth Schmidt, Executive Director, WECA

While it may seem slightly more complicated to gather many small child care programs together, it’s really not. We’ve seen community-wide approaches to testing and vaccinating that are working well for individuals, this shouldn’t be any different. Counties need to understand that child care workers and teachers are one in the same and all deserve the opportunity to be vaccinated. And, let’s not forget that child care programs were urged to stay open as essential workers and care for the families of essential workers, as well as support school-age children with virtual learning when K-12 schools closed across the state.

WECA urges child care providers across the state to contact their county’s public health department and county executive office to voice their concerns.


WECA works to advance positive change for children by focusing on the professionals who provide child care for well over 70% of Wisconsin’s children. 

For more information, press only: 

PR Contact Name: Ruth Schmidt
Phone number: (608) 729-1042
Email: ruschmidt@wisconsinearlychildhood.org

For more information: 

Website: https://wisconsinearlychildhood.org/who-we-are/mission-and-vision/