Our annual conference is an important training and professional development opportunity for early childhood educators. The event brings together expert and engaging keynote presenters, breakout groups, interactive sessions and other workshops to engage, inspire and educate. The event attracts hundreds of attendees from across the state, country and world each year. 

Save the Date: The 2025 WECA Conference will be held Oct. 3-4 at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton. Stay tuned for details!

The 2024 conference drew nearly 900 attendees across in-person and virtual opportunities, 35 sponsors and exhibitors, and partners across a wide range of sectors, including direct care child care providers, ECE partner organizations, higher education, child health, educational material vendors, and advocates. All in attendance had the opportunity to learn, connect, network, and have fun while being able to take advantage of up to 34 hours of professional development credit.

2024 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Iheoma Iruka

Judy Jablon

Dr. Anthony Broughton, “MiSTER B”

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