The 2020 Census Part 5: Parent and Kid Resources

The 2020 Census Part 5: Parent and Kid Resources

As a child care provider, you can play an important role in the Census. You are a trusted voice to the families you work with. By supplying information about the Census, you can help your community understand how important and necessary it is. Census 2020 and other...
The 2020 Census Part 5: Parent and Kid Resources

The 2020 Cenus: Part 3 FAQs and Myths

Because the census only happens every 10 years, there is often misinformation and outright wrong information given out about the content and the privacy of the census. This the first in history that the census that can be completed online, so there is increased...
The 2020 Census: Part 2 Census Basics

The 2020 Census: Part 2 Census Basics

by Amy Schuster, Director of REWARD Stipend Program Between March 12 and 20, about 143 million households in the country will receive an initial invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. All invitations will include a short phrase in English and 12 additional...
The 2020 Cenus: Part 1 Why it Matters

The 2020 Cenus: Part 1 Why it Matters

by Amy Schuster, Director of the REWARD Stipend Program As you probably know, in a couple weeks, all households will begin receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. You are going to play a huge role in the census, because you work with populations that can be...