Impact & Influence
WECA centers innovation in all its work to support the early childhood workforce and early care and education in Wisconsin. Check out this page for more information on WECA’s innovation and influence through several impact updates, our blog, Annual Reports, news coverage, and more.
WECA In The Spotlight
Survey: Only half of Wisconsin’s child care slots are affordable for Families (Wisconsin Public Radio)
Families are ‘drowning’ as early child care programs face widespread staffing shortages (Wisconsin Public Radio)
Jackson County sees success with efforts to combat child care crisis (Wisconsin Rapids Tribune)
Advocacy group shines spotlight on child care need, potential solutions (Wisconsin Examiner)
Early Childhood Education News
The death of a day care: When a child care center closes, an entire community is affected (The 19th News)
Child care industry struggles with shortage of workers (ABC News)
Why You Can’t Find Child Care: 100,000 Workers Are Missing (The New York Times)
Rural communities need federal child care investments (Center for American Progress)
WECA is a state nonprofit with significant local reach that supports early care and education in Wisconsin. Watch this video to get perspective from providers, partners, advocates, and WECA staff.
Read the Annual Report!
For more information about WECA’s research and data findings – visit this page.
Good Food at Home Partnership
WECA’s food systems staff collaborated with Partnership for a Healthier America to help bring fresh fruits and vegetables to 200 Milwaukee families this past winter. The initiative provided $60 a month in Instacart credits for fresh produce.
“Providing access to these fresh foods can help improve outcomes for children for a lifetime,” shared WECA food systems co-coordinator Catherine Hansen.
Learn more about the project in this video overview (offered in English) and read our recent blog for more on WECA’s commitment to assisting early childhood programs foster positive food environments to help children and families thrive.
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association Blog
A hub of first-hand perspectives, calls to action, program and initiative information and other timely updates.Impact Spotlight | Destacamos el impacto (Para español desplácese hacia abajo)
Bay Area Workforce Development Board (Bay Area WDB) knows high-quality early care, and education and support for child care...
Impact Spotlight | Destacamos el impacto (Para español desplácese hacia abajo)
‘Steady Collaboration’ with WECA: Creative Strategies for Supporting Rock County Child Care Programs Sometimes, small...
‘Opportunities for Growth’: WECA’s Commitment to Nature-Based Learning | Oportunidades de crecimiento: el compromiso de WECA con el aprendizaje basado en la naturaleza
When Victoria, an early educator, thinks about the future for young children, the importance of experiencing nature is top...
Usar los datos para liberar el potencial y las prioridades de la asesoría para negocios
Escrito por: Alison LaRocca, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de Luminary Evaluation, y Chanel Clark, directora de WEESSN....
Using Data to Unlock Business Coaching Potential and Priorities
Written by Alison LaRocca, President & CEO of Luminary Evaluation, and Chanel Clark, Director of WEESSN For a version...
Learning, Connection, Laughter: Building Community at the 2024 WECA Conference | Aprendizaje, conexiones, risas: construyendo comunidad en la Conferencia de WECA 2024
Early childhood education is a calling. Throughout early educators’ careers, they create an environment that encourages...