WEESSN Food Systems 

Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network has developed a wide range of programs to help child care providers grow, preserve, and eat local foods, and share this knowledge with the families they serve. Anchored by the monthly Farm to ECE Newsletter, WEESSN Food Systems Coordinators create innovative, hands-on programming. 


  • Racine and Milwaukee Edible Garden Projects: 10 early care and education sites in Racine County and 10 sites in Milwaukee are participating in a yearlong opportunity to increase access to local food through gardening, food preparation and preservation resources, and technical assistance. 
  • Partnership for a Healthy America/City of MilwaukeeDistributed Instacart Funds to 220 families in Milwaukee with 90% successful participant engagement.

  • Gardening Channel: Developed in partnership with ECE providers, Healthy Early, Wisconsin Farm to ECE, Restorative Places, WECA, and additional Healthy Early partners, this series features short how-to and inspirational story-sharing videos for ECE providers and partners interested in growing gardening and outdoor learning opportunities for young children. View the series here.
  • Garden Tips Texting Program: From April to October in 2023 and 2024, WEESSN’s Food System Coordinators provided brief, helpful weekly information for novice and veteran gardeners and the children in their programs, including when to plant, how to harvest, fun activities, and more. In 2025, these Garden Tips will be provided in the monthly Farm to ECE newsletter, available to WEESSN-enrolled programs.
  • Farm to ECE Toolkits: Family child care programs are eligible to borrow their choice of five toolkits for eight weeks (available in selected areas): Cooking/Baking, Growing Mushrooms, Seed Starting, Gardening, and Pollinators. 

Read about all the WEESSN Food Systems work  

(sample newsletter shown – all issues are available for WEESSN-enrolled programs)