Training Opportunities

We offer training and professional development opportunities on a variety of topics relevant to early childhood professionals, some of which offer Wisconsin Registry continuing education hours. Bookmark this page for easy access to our training calendar.

WEESSN Training Opportunities

Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) provides a wide range of trainings on a variety of topics for early childhood programs. Check out the training schedule for the complete list of training topics and dates.

We had many trainings in 2024 – the recordings are now available for WEESSN-enrolled programs via WISER.

Want to get access to these valuable opportunities? All you need to do is sign up for WEESSN – it’s truly free. No hidden catch.

WEESSN Training On Demand  

WEESSN Training On Demand courses offer flexible and accessible learning experiences tailored to your schedule. Dive into a variety of professional development topics at your own pace and earn Registry credit for each course you complete! Accessible anytime, anywhere, these FREE courses provide engaging content and useful tools to manage your child care business. Register today!


Notice: Active Early and Healthy Bites Online Trainings

As of Jan. 15, 2025, the Active Early and Healthy Bites Online Trainings have been removed from WECA’s online training platform. We need to stop offering these courses for now to allow time to update content and renew them in Wisconsin Registry’s system. We will post more information as soon as we have a timeline for completion of this project. 

The materials for these trainings can still be found on the DPI website here.

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