Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network Logo

As an early childhood educator, you do vitally important work and deserve to have access to tools that make life easier. Our goal is to make your professional life less stressful, so you can spend more time on your most important work: nurturing young children.  


You don’t have to go it alone, spending a lot of effort researching policy handbooks, how to run your business, or a thousand other questions. Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) has done the legwork to find resources that will save you time and money. 

The Support You Need, When You Need It

Cost: $0  Value: Priceless






WEESSN offers FREE bilingual, virtual access to business and financial resources for all family child care and group center programs. Any regulated family or group child care program can join—for FREE. One membership is available per program.  

WEESSN Back Office Financial and Recordkeeping Support 

WEESSN Plus Coaching

WEESSN Plus Coaching provides free support for eligible regulated child care programs. WEESSN Business Coaches will provide family child care or group center program leaders with guidance to help: 

  • Suggest ways to stretch your budget
  • Explore affordable benefits to attract and retain staff
  • Discuss ways to enroll more children
  • Help you navigate the tricky and the everyday parts of our field
  • Support you with understanding as someone who has lived experience in child care
  • Learn about all the tools and resources available from WECA and other organizations

    Eligibility – must meet at least one of these criteria to apply 

    • Newly regulated programs (less than one year)
    • Programs with a change in leadership (less than one year)
    • Programs with a 2-Star rating in YoungStar*
    • Programs that are not participating in YoungStar*   

    WEESSN Business Coaches will support you every step of the way with monthly virtual meetings, gathering resources tailored to you, and answering your questions. You’ll also receive all other WEESSN benefits, including free professional development, online resources, mental health and wellness support, and newsletters. *Participation in YoungStar is NOT required for WEESSN Plus Coaching 

    Enrolled in WEESSN?

    Not sure if your program is already enrolled? 

    Who We Are

    We are a national leader in early childhood shared services.

    Food Systems

    Enhance the health, nutrition, and food-related activities of young children and families.

    Interested in Starting a Child Care Business?

    Get started with pre-licensing here!

    In Their Words

    “WEESSN gives you the opportunity to be a part of something bigger. They provide updated information about what is happening in the world of early childhood education. Along with organized resources and dedicated staff, they will help you find the information you are looking for at the click of a mouse! WEESSN is definitely a time saver, and I would recommend it to anyone in the early childhood field!”

    -Group Child Care Program Coordinator


    Email: weessn@wisconsinearlychildhood.org
    p: 800-783-9322 | f: 877-248-7662

    This program is funded in part by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.